Smaller bits from the host of

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Focusing on projects regardless of outside distractions

With all of the never ending interruptions from outside events, focusing on projects can be very difficult. The same is quite true when operating inside of an office environment. There are conversations which take place that are not essential to business, political games to play and endless rounds of communication.

Prioritizing what needs to be finished is an essential skill. However, this alone will not get the job done (pun definitely intended). It is also important that outside noise can be muted. Multitasking does have its place, but turnaround can be aided by sticking to a singular task. In our current labor force, many employers cite the need for multitasking but the skill of focus must not be forgotten.

For those who are in the freelancing or consulting business this noise can come from family. Ironically, those who we know the most tend to exert the most pressure on our behavior and saying "No" becomes quite difficult. This was true last night when a request was put in for me to help someone with their resume. I didn't have the time because I needed to focus on a task with a deadline. Instead of just listening to my need for work my family member became quite irate. My development in the business, and overall disposition, allows a disconnection from such irrational speak.

In all things, boosting someone elses credentials while hurting your own is a delicate game.