Smaller bits from the host of

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Creating great web content

We are all linked into the global network called the internet. It's accessed every day to retrieve and send messages on an ever-expanding platform. First, there was email, then Instant Messaging and now Social Media sites. For those individuals who are trying to keep a surfer tuned into their content there has to be a connection. Just as with any other message, it must make sense.

I am currently undertaking a web critique for a political organization here in New York City. That involves going through each page and examining content, location and logic. Does the page say what is necessary? Is anything irrelevent? Do I have to click a lot of different links to retrieve valuable information? Is the information mirrored in the title of the page?

These are just a few questions.

Once these are answered a cohesive approach, using what is likely an already existing voice will be applied towards generating new content. It's not just the actual words but also ensuring that the typical surfer will actually look at (i.e. consume) the information. It doesn't really matter how valuable the information is if the intended recipient has left the page due to boredom.