Smaller bits from the host of

Monday, September 28, 2009

Utilizing online radio outlets - Blogtalkradio

There are so many new and exciting ways to connect with any audience of choice. The tools at our disposal do knock down many barriers. The means which you choose to get the word out depends on the content and goals of the message. Who is it that you are speaking to? What does the package do to the contents? Does your paper drown out what could be a really engaging presentation?

I have begun a weekly blogtalkradio show under the name DCommunications. It is so amazing to be able to provide information in such a session and cross-reference it on other platforms. What I mean by that is my radio show is linked on my webpage and email signature. There is a brand new way to let people know who I am in a very multi-dimensional way.

When I send out resumes with the signature all of that information becomes available. It's unspoken and there's no need to "check" that they are aware. Someone who is interested in utilizing the resource can access it and, after time passes, people will indeed begin to spread the word.

For the first show I was a bit tense. The structure which I prepare for myself tends to be very light and airy. It's difficult to have a natural speaking voice if all the content is drafted word for word. I approach the radio show as I would a comedy segment - topical indexes. That means figuring out the content mentally and using clue words to spark that portion of the material. Again, this is how I tend to frame a well executed presentation. It depends on the demeanor of the speaker. Many will be nervous and feel more secure with a word for word guide. I tend to over-utilize those resources if they are available so this method forces me to "own" the material.

What I really love about this interface is that there is a dial in number and no other equipment. The system operates like a conference call, very simplistic.

The second show was executed in a much more natural fashion. This is truly a means to deliver a message without holding an audience captive. An intersted person can play the clip and go about life with the volume up.

This Saturday is show three and also my first webinar on time management.