Smaller bits from the host of

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Communications requires hypnotic writing

I am currently skimming a great book by Vitale, Joe
Hypnotic Writing; How to Seduce and Persuade Customers with Only Your Words
"Here's the link to Joe's book

The essential point of view (POV) is that we need to remember the audience at all times. There is very little time to win someone over and a copy edit must jump off the page, so to speak. We each have a little editor in our heads that reads through our own eyes. However, what is being written isn't for us, but for the target. If we lost that editor in our heads and simply wrote, with conviction, to the target audience our time would be a lot more efficiently spent.

That's where I am in the current debate about healthcare, it's a messaging issue. There have been so many media pieces, from both sides, about this issue but somehow, that's not connecting. I created a rough copy edit of the type of messaging I feel might be more powerful. Any ideas are welcomed.