Smaller bits from the host of

Friday, August 21, 2009

Finally, you can market to a new audience

Small businesses can be an incredible amount of hard work. Though the ability to manage your own time can be a lure this isn't a walk in the park. As "the" face of your business time is a very precious commodity. In order to move from the research and information gathering phase of a new service launch the question should be "Is this enough?"

Many times, in general, there can be a safety net like feeling of over-investing in continuous conjecture and "talk" about a plan without ever putting it into practice.

Once all exploratory information is on deck crafting the messages to your audience is really exciting. It can take several months and tons of schedule jockeying to get to this point so why not move full steam ahead? With all of the reading and market surveying that generally falls into the previous stage all of the language used by your clients is fresh in the "cabeza" so now is the time to put it to good use.

The audience is new, the information is new so it's important not to follow up by immediately reverting to all of those ancient email formats. This audience is supposed to be pulled in with awareness emails and then slowly "developed" for your conversion email. That's when you drop the bomb:
THE ASK....the reason you actually contacted them in the beginning

Just pay close attention to what the research showed. If your potential client pool noted that time was so very precious and family/work balance is impossible don't inundate them with needless information. Anything which might streamline information and make listening to you easier should be rolled into the marketing program. The newest strategy to keep the attention of an increasingly busy society is video e-newsletters. They don't have to read massive amounts of text, just play it in the background while they cook (or dial for the local delivery guy).